• If you have obtained any of my premium add-ons from another site, you DO NOT have a valid license for those add-ons and no support will be given to you. The only place that can sell licenses for my premium add-ons is this site or xenforo.com
  • Some features and add-ons are currently not working at this moment and they should be fix within few weeks or few months
[NICK97] Better Logout - XF2

XF Product [NICK97] Better Logout - XF2 2.2.4

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Founder / CEO
Staff member
NICK97 submitted a new resource:

[NICK97] Better Logout - XF2 - this addon lets users can logout all devices with new features and options for users to have a choic

This addon was developer by XenMax, this addon lets users can logout all devices with new features and options for users to have a choice

Key feature:
  • can logout device more then one of the time or all
  • can set default logout option in users preferences
  • Support with XenForo 2.2
  • B4F21E1E-0BE3-4866-B6CE-CA702FF619B7.jpeg

Read more about this resource...
NICK97 updated [NICK97] Better Logout - XF2 with a new update entry:

We are releasing this add-on for free with new restrictions has been added to all of my plugins

Hi Everyone

I have decided to make this add-on for free anyone who wanted to used this plugin.

But please keep in mind that’s you and/or anyone may not redistribute the files in whole or in part without my consent and agreement in-place that’s including private custom development and/or modification!

I just wanted to let you known that any private custom development and/or modification to my plugin without my consent and agreement in-place your account could be suspended on xenshop...

Read the rest of this update entry...