Title: Richie Rich Genre: Family,Comedy,Kids,Drama Creator: Jeff Hodsden,Tim Pollock First aired: Feb 19, 2015 Last air date: May 21, 2015 Show status: Canceled Overview: Richie Rich is a boy who turned vegetables into a clean energy source. As a result, Rich now has over a trillion dollars. Rich lives with his family in a mansion filled with toys, contraptions, and his best friends Darcy and Murray are always by his side, along with Irona, Richie's robot maid, his dad Cliff, who loves naps and is a bit dense, and his jealous sister Harper. Also, Darcy loves spending money and Murray doesn't want anything out of budget. IMDb rating: 3.20
Title: Erin & Aaron Genre: Comedy,Family,Drama First aired: Apr 19, 2023 Last air date: Jul 2, 2023 Show status: Canceled Overview: A newly blended family and two polar opposite stepsiblings named Erin and Aaron who come together through music. IMDb rating: 0.00