[NICK97] XFRM: Resources Icon - XF2

Unmaintained [NICK97] XFRM: Resources Icon - XF2 2.2.4

Modify resource icon width and height with new feature
⚠️ Heads up! This add-on is currently not compatible with XF 2.3. A compatible version is planned, but we don't have an ETA yet.
Compatible XF 2.x version(s)
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
Additional requirement(s)
XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.4 or newer
You may not redistribute the files in whole or in part. You may not rent, lease, loan, custom changes and/or development that’s including private development, sub-license, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the files in any form without prior consent.
Visible branding(s)
Installation Usage Proxy(s)
Single Use License (may be used on one website)
This addon allow modify the resource icon size you wanted in XenForo 2.x

Key Feature:
  • Modify any size for resource icon
  • Default resource icon path when resource icon is not set
  • Support XenForo Resources Manager 2.2.x
  • Support [NICK97] Resource Icon In Search Results - XF2
[TylerAustins] [NICK97] XFRM: Resources Icon - XF2 By 1

Copyright ©2024 TylerAustin. This item is not authorized for posting on xenforo.com and others web sites except under the xenforo account named TylerAustin, GameNet
License duration
1 Years
15.00 USD
Renewal price
10.00 USD
First release
Last update


0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 2.2.4 missing data folder from previous updates

    Thank you for your support and helping me to improve the add-ons even better than before. This...
  2. Few changes and forgotten to include one bug into the last release

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  3. Bug Fixed

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