- Compatible XF 2.x version(s)
- 2.2
- Additional requirement(s)
- [OzzModz] TMDb TV Thread Starter 2.2.0 Release Candidate 13 or newer (Required)
[OzzModz] TMDb Movie Thread Starter 2.2.0 Release Candidate 1 or newer (Required)
[NICK97] Trakt Integration - XF2 (Required) (It’s included with this add-on)
Trakt API Key (Required)
PHP 8.1 (Recommended)
- License(s)
- You may not redistribute the files in whole or in part. You may not rent, lease, loan, custom changes and/or development that’s including private development, sub-license, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the files in any form without prior consent.
- Visible branding(s)
- Yes, but removable with payment
- Installation Usage Proxy(s)
- Single Use License (may be used on one website)
Manage your owned movies & tv shows watchlist into xenforo 2.x with integrated with trakt API
Key Feature(s):
- Login or registering using your Trakt account (New connected account provider)
- Display your tv shows and movies in user profile and watchlist tabs
- Display movies and tv stats in users profiles and watchlist tab
- Manage your owned watchlist (TV and Movies)
- Displaying IMDb & Cameo social profiles with integrate into XF Custom user fields (Coming Soon)
- Ability to create list based on tv shows, episodes, movies, cast and crew (Coming Soon)
- Option to revise ozzmodz tv and movie poster size in search results and tags results (Coming Soon)
- Privacy System so users can choose who may see there watchlist, stats
- User-group permission
- Can view everyone watchlist
- Can view owned watchlist
- Can manage watchlist
- Can manage list (Coming Soon)
- Can view own list (Coming Soon)
- Can view anyone list (Coming Soon)
- Can view owned stats
- Can view anyone stats
- Sync movies and tv shows data into watchlist tabs (Coming Soon)
- Embed your tv shows, episodes, movies, cast and crew anywhere (Coming Soon)
- Integration with TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x & TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x add-ons
- Integration with Trakt data to XF
- Support advanced cookie consent notice (Coming Soon)
- REST API support (Coming Soon)
- TV and Movie Overview page:
- Sync button
- Add / Removed watchlist button
- Including [NICK97] Trakt Integration - XF2 add-on and [NICK97] Watch List - XF2
Important Notes(s):
- Please note this version is a Beta version.
- Some features like ability to create list based on movies, tv shows, episodes, cast and crew, api endpoint and more… aren't (or partially) implemented yet
- This version shouldn't use on production, and no refund will be done if addon doesn't work or broke your forum.
- For support: Only bug fix will be done for now, so wait stable version before post suggestions.

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Copyright ©2023-2025 TylerAustin. This item is not authorized for posting on xenforo.com and others web sites except under the xenforo account named TylerAustin, GameNet