Thank you for your support and helping me to improve the add-ons even better than before. This version includes changes and bug fixes in some areas of the XF2 Add-on!
Full changelog:
Moved the Games tab after posting tab in user profile
Moved the Friends tab after posting tab in user profile
Moved the Workshop tab after posting tab in user profile
Moved Steam tabs privacy menu in visitor menu
Removed icon.jpeg file from the add-on package
Removed CHANGELOG.txt file from the add-on package
Bump this add-on XF requirement to 2.2.15 or newer (This is due to I am taking security and privacy very seriously on both of my website)
Bump this add-on php requirement to php 8.2.0 or newer (This is due to I am taking security and privacy very seriously on both of my website)
Changed the add-on price back to US$25.00 / $15.00 per year
Note: This version will be one of the last releases that’s will be supported with XenForo 2.2.x and newer updates will require XenForo 2.3.x or later!
Note: Once xenforo 2.3 officially releases to everyone I will not be providing any support and updates for xenforo 2.2 and lower (This is due to I am taking security and privacy very seriously on both of my website)
Starting today this add-on price will increase to $35.00 / $25.00 due to cost of living and xenforo renewal price will increases starting in January 1 2024!
Thank you for your support and helping me to improve the add-ons even better than before. This version includes new features and bug fixes in some areas of the XF2 Add-on!
Full Changelog:
Fixed: Inline blocked has been fixed please check screenshot
Fixed: Workshop item not deleted once you click delete button
Thank you for your support and helping me to improve the add-ons even better than before. This version includes new features and bug fixes in some areas of the XF2 Add-on!
Full Changelog:
Fixed: The option tabs was not displayed due fc_steam_tab_option_macros template was missing from this add-on
Fixed: Current the game image icon size where it’s should be (Inline blocked needed to be improved that’s will be fixed later once I have figured out how to fix it!)
Fixed: Game image icon is not displayed full game image and it’s was set to cover some reason
Improved: Added Digital Games Phrases above games titles
Improved: I added Explanation to Disable Steam Tabs Privacy add-on options
Changed: Changed plug-in tab Phrases to Statistics Phrases in add-on option
Note: In the futures versions I am planning to add several options for statistics (More information will be provided later once development and funding as been confirmed)
Thank you for your support and helping me to improve the add-ons even better than before. This version includes new features and bug fixes in some areas of the XF2 Add-on!
Full Changelog:
Current Sync steam api data to Dislpay phrase to Sync steam api data to display on profile tabs
Bug Fixed XenShop Branding not displayed currently