- Compatible XF 2.x version(s)
- 2.2
- 2.3
- Additional requirement(s)
- PHP 8.2.0+ (8.2+ recommended)
Requires MaxMind License Key for location detection
Required intl support
- License(s)
- You may not redistribute the files in whole or in part. You may not rent, lease, loan, custom changes and/or development that’s including private development, sub-license, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the files in any form without prior consent.
- Visible branding(s)
- Yes, but removable with payment
If you wanted to remote logout devices or blocked devices in xenforo 2.x. Now you can with this addon. It’s will include remote logout devices, blocked devices, email notification and current devices banner.
Key Feature(s):
- Block own devices or unblocked own devices and sign-out own devices
- Notifications when a new device has login
- Email notification
- Alert notification (Coming Soon)
- Option to require users to use a password when visiting log device page
- User group permission
- Log devices
- View own devices list
- Receive new device registration notifications
- Bypass logged devices limit (Coming Soon)
- Signout own devices
- Block own devices
- Only allow user to login to one or two devices at a time option NEW!
- TFA: Authorize via trusted device with option to enable it! NEW!
- Option Multiple devices check ignored users
- Current device now is separated from others devices
- Support for logon to ACP
- Support [NICK97] Better Logout - XF2
- Support advanced cookie consent notice
- Styles options
- Change devices icon (Font Awesome Icon)
- Button styles
- Limit add-on usage by usergroup permission
- Support for Users who have already been logged in are not recorded
- Ability to logout other users devices from ACP
- Requesting exit from the others devices. and/or reporting the account to the administrator
- REST API support
- Compatible with XF 2.2.x and XF 2.3.x
Note: This addon is based of this suggestion
https://xenforo.com/community/threa...d-display-devices-in-account-security.152561/ by this user @Alpha1
Note: This addon was funded from cities-mods.com
Copyright © 2021-2026 TylerAustin, GameNet. This item is not authorized for posting on xenforo.com and others web sites except under the xenforo account named GameNet, TylerAustin