Feature and highlight specific contents and optionally use them as a portal / home page
Add music poster instead of avatar in search results and tag results
Discount $35 off when you buying purchase this add-on license (From July 2 2024 to July 26 2024) Note: last few weeks ago tyleraustins.com was down do to dns and url redirect issues. Anyway if you are still having redirect issue in your web...
Title: Michael Campion: A rising star Artist: Nick Boland / Michael Campion / Unknown Performer Genre: Celebrity Released: Tracks: 1 - Michael Campion: A rising star - 2 - Michael Campion: Your message made my day - Overview:
Hi Everyone You might have noticed xen-shop.com is no longer working anymore because I have changed the site name to TylerAustins.
NICK97 submitted a new resource: How to setup Trakt API - This tutorial will guide how to setup your first trakt API Hi Everyone today I am going to show you how to setup your first trakt api! Before we begin make sure you have valid license...
Manage your owned movies & tv shows watchlist into xenforo 2.x with integrated with trakt API
Hi Everyone I am really happy to announce that’s there will be a brand new xenforo 2 add-on that’s will let users manage there watchlist and integrate with trakt api! The add-on is currently under development and should be ready soon. But...
Hi Everyone I live in B.C. Canada where due to global licensing laws, I and everyone else living here are restricted in what is available for us to watch unless we buy subscriptions which becomes costly to many I am hoping that you will agree...
Send Notifications when two-step verification or connected account changes
Hi Everyone Some countries will not be able to downloading and/or purchasing any resources due to licensing agreement, human rights abuses and wars in ukraine by russia 🇷🇺 Countries listed: China Hong Kong Russia North Korean South Korean...
Hello, Before starting to purchase or download any add-ons for XenForo you must validate that you have a valid XenForo license. You may do this in your account details at this link: https://tyleraustins.com/account/website-verification The...
Manage your owned deivces in account settings for xenforo 2.x
Make your account details page look trendy with this customisation for XenForo 2.x
Add resource icon instead of avatar in search results and tag results
Give users the option to logo out from all devices at once in XenForo 2.x
Do you want to your customer or your user that could keep track your resources... For XenForo 2.x
Integerating the steam data to XF
Modify resource icon width and height with new feature